Here at, we are diesel enthusiasts who love writing and sharing the information that we have found over the years about our diesel trucks.
We are here to help you find the best way to customize your truck to make it yours and yours alone. The guides that we provide are completely free of charge, but on the flip side of that we are not responsible in any way for how you might use the information found on our site. Some of the mods that we do to our own trucks might not pass inspection for use on the street (in the US) or may void your manufacture warranty, so we do ask that you use common sense when following our guides.
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About Our Authors
If you’re wondering who are the people behind the scenes, we’ve put together some info to give more insight as to where the information on comes from.

Jeff is our resident former mechanic and diesel expert. He is well versed in everything under the hoods of most models of diesel trucks, having had over 20 years experience in automotive and especially diesel repair. Whenever we have a question about a truck, Jeff always comes through with an answer.